Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Online Operating System

You hear more and more about the "Online Operating System". Basically, this is the trend towards providing all the application functionality you need directly from the internet (and a browser). More and more providers of online applications are appearing every day, with Google leading the charge. Google provides a entire suite of online products for free to consumers and businesses. Google Apps is the entire "office suite" online, and allows you to host these services using your own domain name. Everything from e-mail, to word processing, to spreadsheets is available. Google's Blogger, the site that is hosting this blog, is another great example of a free application making it possible for any and every internet user to easily publish material and talk to world (or whoever is listening ;-)

Google not only is leading the charge in online application functionality, but they are currently setting a great trend to provide this functionality "for free". Google's advertising network, and other networks like it, have fueled the ability to provide online applications for free to the consumer by allowing the service provider to easily collect ad revenue from the traffic these sites generate. And further, Google's online advertising network has sparked a huge number of "affiliate" networks, allowing both online service provides and internet users in general to reap the benefits of online advertising revenue.

In this blog, I will try to review the interesting online applications that are available. I will try to point out cool trends in this area and keep you posted on the latest developments.

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